Das Muster. Muster - definition Muster übersetzung Muster Wörterbuch. Noun a muster of concerned citizens considering the muster of suggestions that were submitted for "word of.
With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses ✓ links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions ✓ free.
Durch das Speichern von Mustern können Sie ein und dasselbe Muster ganz einfach in mehreren Bildern verwenden.
Das Genus bzw. grammatische Geschlecht von Muster ist Neutral und der bestimmte Artikel ist "das". Muster definition, to assemble (troops, a ship's crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, or muster out, to discharge from service in the armed forces: He will be mustered out of the army in. Learn the translation for 'muster' in LEO's English ⇔ German dictionary.